Articles byAwareness

Real Estate Awareness and Advice

Conduct the following search before you buy land or property.


Many have fallen victim to buying properties marked for demolition or land planned for other land uses in the future. Any property or land-tagged distress sale should be investigated using the under-discussed types of land search.

Jun 10, 2023 • 3 min read

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Real Estate Awareness and Advice

Land Titles and Documents in Nigeria a must read


When buying land, it is important to understand property rights. Owning a piece of land simply is not enough. Your knowledge of laws, policies, and obligations goes a long way to avoid land controversies, encroachment, government demolition without compensation, etc.

Jun 09, 2023 • 5 min read

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Real Estate Awareness and Advice

What You Should Know Before Buying Land in Nigeria. Don’t be a Victim!


These days, purchasing land in Nigeria requires more than just these common features and requirements mentioned. It goes beyond because many have fallen victim to land scams without knowing that they are victims. Property purchase is the easiest scam many Nigerians fall victim to on daily basis.

Mar 24, 2023 • 5 min read

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Real Estate Awareness and Advice

Get Your License to Practice In Real Estate Industry in Lagos State Nigeria.


Real Estate Practice is a noble profession worldwide, however, the practice in Nigeria is often neglected by the professionals and the government.

Mar 24, 2023 • 4 min read

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